Make a donation to the KDA to help us find a cure.

Since 2003, 92 Cents of every dollar spent by the KDA is for Kennedy's Disease Research and Education.
The Kennedy's Disease Association is recognized under United States of America Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3 as a publicly supported tax exempt organization as described in sections 509(a)1 and 170(b)1(A)(vi).

In Memory of donations or to make a donation to honor someone. Please select credit card below and then select the corresponding radial button on the form and type in the name of the person. If you have any questions, please contact the KDA.
Kennedy's Disease Association
1445 Woodmont Lane NW #1805
Atlanta, GA 30318 -
Thanks to Merrill Lynch, The KDA can accept donations in the form of financial securities. Donating stock has many tax benefits. Please let us know of your interest by clicking here.
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can direct up to $105,000 to the KDA this year from an IRA using a Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you are age 73+, these distributions avoid income tax and count toward your Required Minimum Distribution. Special rules apply. See your investment or tax professional for advice. Please contact the KDA with any questions. Please contact us and let us know of your intention by clicking here.
You can provide financial support with a legacy gift to the KDA. This can be done either through a personal will or by making KDA the beneficiary of a retirement account such as an IRA. This can be as simple as naming the Kennedy's Disease Association as the primary beneficiary of your account. A legacy gift to the KDA is transferred tax-free, allowing the full value of your gift to benefit research into Kennedy's disease. If you have any questions, please contact the KDA by clicking here.
Organize and hold a fundraiser to raise money to find a cure for Kennedy's Disease. Please contact the KDA for ideas and let us know of your interest by clicking here.
We need your help! Get involved with the Kennedy's Disease Association by volunteering your time or services. Please contact the KDA and let us know your interested in helping by clicking here.