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Living with KD

KDA Forum

Welcome to the KDA Discussion Forum

The KDA has enlisted the services of Groupee.Com to provide 'forum' services. The benefits of this service include:

  • No advertising/pop-ups
  • (Optional) Email notification back to you on messages you post letting you know someone has replied to the message.
  • Improved ease of use, message handling and storage
  • Private Messaging - Since the KDA Forum is a public forum, you can send a "Private Message".  This option is a means for community members to talk to each other outside the realm of the public community. Members never have to know each other's email, so this is a more secure way of having a private conversation within a community. Multiple members can participate in a private message.
  • Polls - With polls, your community members can vote on a particular question. Comments are also supported on polls.

Click on the button to the below to join the discussion forums

Registration Required: If you have not already registered, you will need to do so before using these forums. It is a very simple verification process that helps prevent abuse by non-wanted guests and SPAM.  Should you have any problems, Contact the KDA.

Disclaimer: The KDA Forum is a public forum.  The information provided in these forums is of a general nature and can not be substituted for the advice provided by a medical doctor or certified health practitioner. This information is the opinion of the personal individual that submitted post and is in no way endorsed by the Kennedy's Disease Association. The information is provided for informational purposes only. This information must not be used as diagnosing or treating a medical problem or situation. You must verify whether the information provided here is appropriate for you by checking with your doctor. You are solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized and do so at your own risk.