The KDA’s Board of Directors has approved the following goals for 2023
- Raise money to fund research grants and support our cause (a goal of $200,000).
- Include one or more Fellowships in the 2023 Grants Program.
- Collaborate with KD/UK on a joint KDA-KD/UK conference and educational symposium in Fall 2023.
- Support the efforts of the NIH and other research labs that are dedicated to understanding KD and finding a cure or treatment for KD.
- Publish quarterly KDA email updates on what is happening in the world of Kennedy’s Disease. This includes information about fundraisers, research, the annual conference, and other information that supports the KD community.
- Build a new KDA website and continue to provide updates about research and clinical trials, and emphasize the ‘KDA Family’ theme.
- Support clinical trials by maintaining relationships with pharmaceutical companies and sharing information with the KD community.
In addition, we will:
- Seek new sources of funding, including but not limited to foundations aimed at helping people with rare diseases.
- Expand the talent pool of the KDA volunteers (board members and/or leaders) to include people who can broaden the social media reach of the KDA and expand KDA's fundraising efforts.
- Expand on the successful Carrier Group Zoom sessions to include sessions for KD Men and Caregivers.
- Continue and expand our working relationships with counterpart advocacy groups in the UK, Australia, Italy, Japan, and other countries.