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Event Calendar

KDA Board Meeting

8:00pm Eastern Time

1) Terry Thompson provided a strategic update on KDA finances and the process for disbursing funds to recent winners of KDA grants and fellowships. All agreed with the plan to disburse the total amounts in single payments.
2) Board members who attended the International KD Conference in London provided an update on the event and will include a summary in the upcoming Newsletter.
3) Discussed possible venues for the KDA 2024 conference and are close to a decision, with Florida a major contender.
4) Continued the discussion of the process for handling emails received from info@KDA, based on input from JP and RS, who will refine the process and present it to the Board for discussion/approval next month.
5) Generated and discussed ideas for recognizing/honoring the contributions of Bob Borden who was taken from us suddenly earlier this month.
6) Current Board members voted to add Joan Sorenson and Randy Soo Hoo to membership on the KDA Board. Congratulations, Joan and Randy!