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Event Calendar

KDA Board Meeting

8:00pm Eastern Time

Meeting Highlights:

1. We’ve had a great response to the Japanese Genetic Knowledge Survey from both KD men and carriers.
- A page will be built on the KDA website for posting and printing the one-page information documents on KD.
- The MDA has invited two SBMA clinicians, Chris Grunseich (NIH) and Tahseen Mozaffar (UC Irvine), to be part of their 2024 MedEd seminar.
2. Continued the discussion of increased interaction with the MDA and coordination with them to have SBMA genetic testing offered at their clinics.
3. Decided to implement a fall fundraising campaign to address a recent increase in funding requests from the research community.
4. Discussed a proposal to include periodic profiles of Board members in the KDA Newsletter and decided to broaden it to include researchers and KDA members.
5. Decided to add an additional member to the KDA Board while continuing the discussion of the composition of the Board.