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Event Calendar

KDA Board Meeting

8:00pm Eastern Time

Discussed KDA finances in the context of grants and fellowships, deciding on a larger than usual funding allocation based on a greater number of proposals received this year.
Continued discussion of KDA Board composition and agreed to postpone a decision until next month pending additional research.
Discussed and decided to distribute the Japanese Genetic Knowledge Survey to KDA membership.
Discussed a proposal to help fund KD patients’ visits to MDA clinics which will require further coordination before deciding on implementation.
Discussed and will begin researching the idea of developing an SBMA curriculum for doctors/neurologists to obtain CME (Continuing Medical Education) credits while learning more about KD.
Discussed the status of and issues associated with updating the list of doctors familiar with KD on the KDA website. Decided to use the Newsletter to engage the KDA community in this effort.
Received a progress report on the development of one-page KD information sheets.