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Event Calendar

KDA Board Meeting

8:00pm Eastern Time

KDA President’s Updates:
Proceeds from the 2023 Texas Golf Scramble will be used to fund the KDA’s 2023 SBMA Research Workshop at the Banbury Center in NY.
The KDA website now includes information on NIDO-361, the drug developed by Nido Biosciences to treat KD that is nearing clinical trial stage. In addition there is now a link to the MDA page that provides a clear description of the phases of clinical trials.
There is a tentative agreement with the MDA to share the French protocol for treating KD with its adult care centers.
Met with past KDA presidents who agreed to act as an informal advisory committee on fundraising.
Board was briefed on how its financial contribution to the 2023 Global KD Conference in London will be used.
Discussed in depth the composition and operation of the KDA Board.
Discussed the need for volunteers and decided to put a notice on the KDA website on where/how to sign up to volunteer.