Exercises - Face, Swallowing and Lung

Swallowing, Face and Lung Exercises recommended by a physical therapist
Medical Disclaimer
The exercise information provided here is of a general nature and can not be substituted for the advice provided by a medical doctor or certified health practitioner. This information is designed for educational purposes only and must not be construed as medical advice or a professional service. You must verify whether the information provided here is appropriate for you by checking with your doctor before you begin any extended exercising. You are solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized and do so at your own risk.
Perform the five exercises one after another. After these exercises become easier, perform a second set.
- Over enunciate the words "kite" and "goat" with lots of air behind them. D do this in two sets of ten. You might have to start with sets of 5 initially.
- Place the tip of my tongue as far back and touch the roof of your mouth. Breathe in slowly (for a count of ten). Then exhale with the tongue sticking out of my mouth as far as comfortable (for a count of ten). Perform two sets of five for this one.
- Take a deep breath and say "Ah" forcefully and rapidly three times. Perform two sets of five. Once you are comfortable, modify the sound to a forceful cough. (This is very helpful during when you have a cold or bronchial illness).
- Hold the tongue between your teeth and swallow several times. Begin with 9 and work up to 18 or 20.
- This final exercise works on breath control and lung capacity. Perform the following ten times each.
- Take a deep rapid breath in and then stretching the facial muscles wide "sing" a high "EEE" sound for a slow count of 13. (You might have to start at just a count of 5).
- Take another rapid deep breath and stretching the facial muscle in a yawn like fashion "sing" a low "AHH" sound for another slow count of 13. (You might have to start at just a count of 5).
Note: These exercises were provided by an associate after working with his physical therapist.