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2024 Researcher KDA Conference Registration

Researcher Registration For KDA Conference

Conference Schedule

9:30 am - Conference opening remarks and morning sessions begin.
5:00 pm - Conference sessions conclude for the day.
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm - Conference gala banquet dinner and auction at the Rosen Plaza Hotel.
9:00 am - Morning sessions begin.
5:00 pm - Conference sessions conclude for the day.
 8:30 am - Morning sessions begin.
12:15 pm - Conference wrap-up and concluding remarks.
12:30 pm - Conference concludes for conference guests.
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Researcher working lunch.

The 2024 KDA conference is free for academic researchers to attend. Please fill out the form below to let us know if you will attend in person or virtually and if you want to give a talk. If you want to make a donation to the KDA, please click here.

Type of registration
For in person registration only.
If left blank, the name you use to register with will be used.
Do you plan on giving a talk?
If you plan on giving a talk, someone from the KDA will contact you.
Researcher KDA Conference Registration