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Virtual Ed Montie 5K Run
In memory of Ed Montie, a 5K run to raise money to find a cure for Kennedy's Disease.
When: Saturday, September 21st, 2024 (any time of the day)
Where: VIRTUAL run/walk
Entry Fee: A donation of any amount to the Kennedy's Disease Association

Ed Montie
Following the onset of Kennedy's Disease, Ed Montie began the strongest fight of his life. He was courageous and optimistic through every step along his journey. We sadly lost Ed Montie on April 11, 2011. Words cannot express how proud we are of him and thankful for having had him in our lives.
Kennedy’s disease is a genetic neuromuscular disease with symptoms similar to ALS. It affects men starting in their 30s or 40s & gradually weakens all muscles over time. Many are wheelchair bound by their 50s, and lack upper body strength to compensate. Swallowing & lung muscles weaken to the point that assistive devices are necessary. This is a rare disease & research funds are limited. The Kennedy's Disease Association is devoted to funding research to find a cure for this debilitating disease.
Please help us all to continue Ed's fight against this devastating disease and to honor his memory by donating to the "Ed Montie 5K Race to Cure Kennedy's Disease." Proceeds will be donated to research via the Kennedy's Disease Association (KDA), to help find a treatment for patients living with KD. We are forever grateful for your support.
The Montie Family